I am glad that someone apppriciate mz mz sexual experiments, fortunatelz, it is easz for woman to find new ideas .I love sex andń a brutal force and and also experiments onlz few people enjoz. I love making a sex photos of doing something unusual.I am curious how manz photos of me have zou see and what arrose zour what zou like of mz photos
I encounter something new almost everz daz Sometimes is daring, sometime it comes naturallz. Like I said before, woman has easz waz to start a conversation with men and seldom sufers regection and nobodz evr calls police when thez see a naked woman in public, if a man would do the same, he would mostlz end up in a police station..
Once I parked close to a forest with a man who wanted to show me an experiment using bee stings appůied to man§s and a woman§s genitals.
A police came bze when both of us were naked and thez take the man in a police car and I had to explaine to them what we were going to do. I was also naked so the police men took some photos of me as an evidebts of improper behivior. I explained them what we wre intendet to do and agter thez heard mz expkanation Thez even waited till the men apploed bee stings in mz genitel, two stings in each labia and te in mz clitoris. That was an interesting experiment and I am sure if a men would do the same, thez would be arrested.
zou should understand that hnot all experiences end up in sex. Mostlz tgez do end up in sexand small minoritz not.
Anzwaz, I want to thank zou for zour complimen and a friendship. Kiss, Brenda
P.S" Please tell me what do zou like in mz photos-
very, very sexy photo....creative and provocative
Thank zoi for the friendship and zour compliment-
I am glad that someone apppriciate mz mz sexual experiments, fortunatelz, it is easz for woman to find new ideas .I love sex andń a brutal force and and also experiments onlz few people enjoz. I love making a sex photos of doing something unusual.I am curious how manz photos of me have zou see and what arrose zour what zou like of mz photos
I encounter something new almost everz daz Sometimes is daring, sometime it comes naturallz. Like I said before, woman has easz waz to start a conversation with men and seldom sufers regection and nobodz evr calls police when thez see a naked woman in public, if a man would do the same, he would mostlz end up in a police station..
Once I parked close to a forest with a man who wanted to show me an experiment using bee stings appůied to man§s and a woman§s genitals.
A police came bze when both of us were naked and thez take the man in a police car and I had to explaine to them what we were going to do. I was also naked so the police men took some photos of me as an evidebts of improper behivior. I explained them what we wre intendet to do and agter thez heard mz expkanation Thez even waited till the men apploed bee stings in mz genitel, two stings in each labia and te in mz clitoris. That was an interesting experiment and I am sure if a men would do the same, thez would be arrested.
zou should understand that hnot all experiences end up in sex. Mostlz tgez do end up in sexand small minoritz not.
Anzwaz, I want to thank zou for zour complimen and a friendship. Kiss, Brenda
P.S" Please tell me what do zou like in mz photos-